Let me Tell you something about myself.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

A true story from 2005

The saga of 2005 whore and assholes mixed with a bunch of stupidity. A true story. I can't make this shit up.

Well I just have to say that I don't care what you think of me, first off and this is my opinion and shit! Also if you don't like what I have to say or do like what I have to say drop me a line comment. This is also going to be posted on my blogger so follow it and subscribe to it. I like having feed back and I like knowing that people like or don't like what I have to say. In just keeping it real. I'll repost a link in my status and leave it there if you all wanna join my blog I'll join yours if you have one. I have only one fear and that's of stupid people breeding. Laws need to be passed and stupid people need to be locked up. Our wonderful nation is under serious attack by the stupid girls and guys that run around being complete jerk offs and the way I see things it's just driving me crazy. Why is it that I have a hard time meeting honest good people who like a great conversation and something besides dumb hit to talk about? I recently spoke to an x who I will call dumb girl cause I don't wanna give away her name in fear that dumb girl will say something really stupid I can post on my blog. I did whoever save a whole aim chat that highlites the stupidity that is this person. So let's get on to the details of why this note will save your life one day... I befriend my x on fb only to find out I had grown up and she, well she, just sat in the same pool of assholes that never progress or move forward and grow up also make a note of this shit right here: I remember why we broke up and I am happy I didn't stay with you or that long she was a control freak that wanted me to follow her like a lost puppy well I didn't and that's when she left and not less then a month after she ran off and married the first guy she met. See that's some stupid shit you never marry a rebound and to make it worse she got a divorce because she couldn't handle commitment but I knew this. She is also a cheater and liar by nature you can't make a person smart if they haven't asked any intelegent questions and you can't turn a ho into a house wife. I never really loved her but we did have fun for a few months. Also this is fb and not myspace that's what she said and she didn't like the fact I said good night on her page so I said ok I'll stop leaving messages. Keep in mind it was ok for other friends to say whatever they wanted on her wall but I wasn't allowed. I said sorry an moved on cause it looked like she was just fishing for a fight. I don't do arguments I walk away. I don't give in to stupidity, also she has a friend that I'll call dude, that still thinks he's gonna be famous and has a band but they haven't had any luck with skills or the right sound since 2003 they should have already been on something like a record deal or at least a video or something that tells the world I'm a serious musician and have played more then 10 shows with real bands not competeing with HS bands and playing dive bars. Anyway I once told him that he looked nothing like his pictures on myspace cause he Photoshops the shit out of his face and body and looks nothing like his pic, well dumb girl was dating me at the time and dude had a crush on her and I know they did in fact have something going on while she cheated on her bf with me she must have slept with him as well really classy also I never knew she had a bf till I saw him with her when i was dropping off a DVD at blockbuster I saw him holdingbher hand and I drove home later on that week I asked her who that guy was oh he's just a friend. I went along with it of course because dumb girl was stupid but still very hot and most guys loved her cause she was sexy but that in no way means I'm shallow just means that I like eye candy and I like being surround by sexy people. Dude was not sexy at all he was obese as all hell with a gut and complete with fear in his eyes cause he knew I knew he like my girl so when I said that to him I ment it like hey man why hide your gut an 2 chins from the world we all need to see that. I looked great by the way and I'm happy to say that as I'm getting older I'm getting way more fit and stronger. I look great and smell great and I probably have less body hair then your lesbian lover. I must have offended dude and dumb girl got all mad at me cause we where at a concert and she acted like she wasn't with me at this show so that ment no holding hands no kissing nothing so I walked away and found some of my friends and started to talk to some really sexy girls at a merchant table and out of the corner of my eye who is spying on me?! Dude! Was watching me and then after I spotted him I kept talking to the girls and dumb girl came up and was like WTF is going on here?! All bitch style and reminded me of a HS drama class or a really bad soap opera. I was like sorry ladies this is my friend dumb girl and they were like ok well it was nice to meet you and I was like wait I'm not done talking and dumb girl grabs me in the most childish way and locks lips with me to fuk up my game talk about cock block! Anyway I was like I thought you said you wanted to be alone Aka act single and shit she was like yeah but dude told me you found hot girls and it bothered me, so I responded with it's not my fault dude only looks good on myspace and has the body of an obese teenager with bitch tits and a gut and chins to match. I mean dude had bigger breasts then my x. Must have been all the weed and drinking that gave him his sexy frame. I looked like an mma fighter complete with big arms Aka the gun show and I was looking amazing in my tank top with all my tattoos showing not one of my tattoo sucks and they all look amazing unlike dude who must have went to a new guy to get all his ink cause his tattoos were so ugly and gross a 3rd grader could have done better work. Ok enough about ink because not everyone is blessed to find great tattoo artists and not everyone should have tattoos they don't fit everyones personality. I respect everyones ink but if it's cheap chances are your ink will look it. Let's face it you don't go out and buy a car with a crappy paint job and rust why litter your skin with stuff like that? I have done a few tattoos and I am getting my equipment back and building my collection on pics again problem is all my work was on a computer that got fried in a thunderstorm and I couldn't retrive my tattoo pictures off the hard drive. I do need the practice and need people who want tattoos just pay me for my needles and give me a tip that's all I ask. Needles are not cheap. Gloves and bags are not cheap and thermol paper isn't cheap. I need to make some money to buy back what I use on you. Ok enough let's get back to dumb girl and dude. Did I mention dude wore eyeliner and had a very girly haircut? And he was about 5'10 270something pounds maybe more. I couldn't tell he was wearing a ghey flames shirt the kind that went out of style the day before they came out. And cargo shorts that were tight cause nothing says sexy like tight cargo shorts and boots it was 2005 not 1993 WTF?! Someone needs a lesson in dressing for shows like you never wear the shirt of the band your gonna see and if you look like anyone in the band please don't dress like them they are really famouse and you look like a poser. It's concert rules. If it's warm and nice I wear a tank top with jeans and some steal toe boots you never know. I always drink at shows too water bottle filled with clear rum to mix with my diet coke. It works and I always make friends at shows for that reason. I don't mind sharing some booze cause I never drink and when I do I get crunk, it's all in good fun another thing you can do is buy coffee and use Brandy and bailys it's really good chilled and nobody knows shit. I only drink beer if that's all they have but I'm not a fan of being bloated and missing the show to go piss. So as we are leaving the show and this show was awesome deftones live with a bunch of other bands I can't remember cause I wasn't there for them just the tones, she got into a fullblown yelling match in the car and she had invited her friends that were kind of fucked up on something all night but they didn't really talk to me and that's fine but they told me after dumb girl and I split that she was making out with dumd and being a total slut one of my friends at the show called me a week later and asked me If we had broken up I was like no why what's up? He was like I saw her making out with dude at the show that night and I was like why didn't u tell me then and he was like I thought you guys were just friends cause it turned out she told him that we were just friends that night. I told him who was the guy what did he look like he didn't describe dude at all it was the guy That followed us to the show with his girl friend and the couple that was with us drove with me I was floored like what a whore! Anyway we didn't last after that I packed up her shit that she has in my room and waited to go pick her up from work and she said why are my bags in the truck I was like I'm taking you to your bf's house she's like noooo I was like yeah and she told me to drop her off at her friends house who is Wiccan by the way I don't have any problem with Wiccan people I don't personaly believe in that but who am I to judge and say what's ok an what isn't. I drop he off and that was the last I heard from her until about 2 weeks ago when I found her online and we started talking and just catching up on eveything she had no idea my best friend had passed away and we talked for a week straight every night it was like old times. Dude was still in the picture and from the looks of his pics he is doing the Donald trump with his hair it's not all sexy like before he lost some weight but still maintained crappy tattoos he has even more I also befriended him an said sorry for being a dick to you in the past. Everything was fine until dumb girl told me not to speak to him or anything. I asked her why and she said that I hated him and that he didn't like me for what I had said I just told her that I said sorry and we all need to move on also since it's her friend I wasn't allowed to be his friend, I told her that we are all adults and there is no reason we have to hold a grudge from 5 years ago I have known her for 7 she knew him for 11 and I dated her once for about 4 months we broke up and then we got back together for another 5 so we dated on and off for almost 2 years it was a rollercoaster ride up and down the whole time. In the mean time she had been with dude and about 10 other guys through the 2 years we were together but she wasn't the girl I wanted to marry and my feelings for her were just about sex and a booty call to have. That's all, she must have thought I cared so much but after I found out she had slept with the whole football team I felt so nasty I wanted to throw up. I'm not gonna lie I did have feelings for her and I did care about her I never cheated or hurt her. But she was so stupid her nickname was lucky charms in HS cause she would give all the guys on the team oral before games what can I say she wa a cheer leader that took her cheering over the top another really big turn off was that he wanted to be a stripper and I don't date strippers. I've been to a strip club once and that was cool but I'm not into that. I don't even watch. Sports I don't care about teams and who wins it's a big ass waste of time for me I rather play video games or drive around blasting music or going for a long walk or working out. It's life live it. So dumb girl deleted me and so did dude and I don't care but I find it funny how some people never grow up. I call it the Michael Jackson effect they wanna stay in jr. HS forever and live out thier my so called life dreams. It really pathetic and you guys and girls that stuck on stupid grow the fuck up. These are the same people that go out and buy the iPad and then complain that it doesn't have a camera or wifi they cry so much about eveything. They are not worthy of being emo I mean Emo kids make fun of them. Dumb girl lives the worlds most depressing life and dude can't wait for her return to the sunshine state so he can have sex for the first time in a long time it seems like. I don't have those problems I get it when I need it. Cause I'm not a whore man. Dude doesn't know that dumb girl is on the border line of being a fullblown hooker/callgirl or maybe he does but he's so gross he is probably paying for sex anyway cause even though dude is in a very unsucsessful band he can't get laid if his life depended on it. They were made for each other LessThenEmo Dude with the worlds most whoreish Wiccan girl Aka dumb girl with an eating disorder Aka making fun of them is so easy because if I had a picture of them you would all agree he's shrek and she's the girl from HS most likely to blow shrek you'll see I was most likely the hottest guy she had ever had the privilage of boning lol. I'm not full of shit I just tell the truth this is a true story all of this really happen and it's part of my crazy ass life. By the way since 2005 I have had. Blood tests and been check every six months to make sure I never got anything from that living seamen dumpster. Ewwwwwwwwww is all I have to say and if you are a nasty sweaty fat fuck with bad hair and shitty taste in clothing you can have sex with her and you will know it's her because she talks like a chipmunk looks like a fake tan and has nasty teeth now. Oh and she's Wiccan look for the pentecal that's what it's all about. She even thinks she's some kind of goddess maybe the goddess of fuck who knows goo luck dude oh and do me a favor don't wear a condom and get that gift that keeps on giving I have seen the ladies dude goes out with and they are so nasty looking they all have the same look thier faces in all his pics, like why am I having sex with this sloth. Ok I'm done for now don't you x gf of mine know that I will fucking burn you in my notes I have dirt on all of you and I have all of your pictures you would t want the world to see but I would never release them I'm not that much of an asshole but if anyone starts threatening me I'm leaking all of them if anything happens to me I have them in a place with complete instructions with what needs to be done lol fuck around if you want. I want to hear I'm sorry George for being a cheating ass whore that hurt your feelings and lied to everyone about you. Leave it at that and you can call me anytime and please explain the reason you sleep with nasty people?

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