Let me Tell you something about myself.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Viewpoints and My Opinion and The Shit we have become. Comes to life, From ashes to ashes, Dust to dust

Between this point in time and the rest of my life, I will without a doubt fall asleep at the wheel. The tears streaming down my face from the pain deep inside. Something primiative and long forgotten takes over.
Looking into the mirror, I can barely make out my own face. Is it really me? i question myself. Could I have been dreaming of this long lost tomorrow? Am I just a Ghost? Maybe a shell? Who Knows? Not I...
Sickened by the current life I've come to expect it. Not now anyway.
The World Only Knows how to bring a person down. They do have pills for that you know?
I still ask myself with a blank stare, "do you really want to know who I am"? "WELL"? do you?
Just wondering that's all.
Sleepless in wherever I am, forget Seattle, nothings there but the lambs of God, sheep's and cattle. Oh! What I wouldn't give to hit one with a cow prod. I bet it hurts like crazy. I know now why cows go mad and the reason people who live in the city are always sad. The people that like me have issues in the head.I often ask myself why would anyone want to hangout with me?

1. I use to be many things.
I use to be funny and could make people laugh, now I feel as though they just would rather have me leave and go away.
Gloomy rainy cold days are amazing for many personal reasons. I can blend in better as I write the weather changes ever so slightly to remind me that the sun is out. I do see, I know that one day the sun will burn down our planet and the best part of it is, i'll be sleeping, dreaming and not to a care about the end. Why should I care about the end of all things if they don't care about me, In the long run.

2. You need to remember that no matter how Christian you are or what God you Pray to is this. I can bet you that we are not the only living thing in this place we call space. The people who do not believe are ignorant. Jesus might have been from another planet all together. For all we know he was an alien sent from a peace loving place in the Universe. Jesus was real and so were other historical figures. Is it really so hard to believe Jesus could have been E.T.?
So much speculation and historical dates getting mixed up. For all we know 2012 has come and gone. People debate the birth of Christ give or take years so that means it could have already happened. 2012 Could have past us right by and your still shitting your pants.

3. Global warming could be real, but check out the facts the earth has gone through hotter times. It has frozen over many times too. No matter what everyone does it will not stop or slow down SHIT! point blank. The charts only show the last 250,000 years. Don't get me wrong i'm all about some clean air and water cause we need that to live. But I will not allow anyone to make me think we are destroying the planet. Yes people use to be way more reckless and destroy things, Toxic waste in water, Lead Paints, etc... Those days are gone now. We replaced it all with War/Wars.
OUR WORLD IS NOW BEING RUN BY PUSSY ASS MOTHER FUCKERS. SOFT POLITICAL ASSHOLES with way to much Power on their hands. Eventually some asshole will Nuke the Planet and we will all become dust and fossil fuel for the next wave of critters on our planet. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

This is my opinion and view points on some of the things I know of. I know I barely scratched the surface. If we all want to get through this bullshit we need to practice self control. something this generation of children are not learning enough of.
Thanks Al Gore for putting our country and the world in a state of panic.I know his research has so many so called "facts" but he isn't telling us the whole truth in all matters, as of now he has been debunked on many things. I agree we do need to stop depending on oil for everything, Gas isn't the only fuel we can use. the problem is that clean energy is very expensive right now, but the more we research and start using the prices will drop. It will get cheaper.

4.I want to make a few things clear: Politics, War, Religion, Drugs, and Prison.
The one thing all of these issues have in common is Money and Big Business. Let's start with Prisons, Each state makes a lot of money from the prison systems. More and More prisons in the US are being contracted to private companies. They area Multi-Billion Dollar a year industry. They house Millions of inmates a year and the cost varies. They predict that 1 out of 5 adults has or will be incarcerated in their life time. That's Scary 1 out of 5 compared to the 60's and 70's when it was more like 1 in 10. the number has increased at an alarming rate. The state Makes about 45,000 to 75,000 a year and I've even heard of some making over 100,000 an inmate per year. Plus the small towns they house them get all the big money from the government because inmates count as residents of that county or township they are in. Inmates can't vote but only one state they are in Mass. Most criminals are locked up for drug related crimes everything from sales to use. It's the war on drugs that failed and in no way are the drug task forces winning. People need help not long mandatory prison sentences. they are not being rehabilitated they go into prison a petty drug dealer or drug abuser and come out educated on everything from learning fraud to learning how to commit more violent crimes and 9 times out of 10 end up back in. Most of these guys have come from broken homes or where only shown how to do bad from a young age. some never went to school and can't read. It's just sad. they are minorities so people do not care for them, also makes me wonder why drug dealers get 75 years to life when a sex offender gets maybe 8 or 10 years. Same goes for a murderer. Oh yeah they get out of prison more often then you may think. Drug dealers get life and people who rape and hurt children get a slap on the wrist.
It's totally ass backwards. I know that drug dealers bring violence to our neighborhoods and people get hurt. Families get destroyed from drugs but a killer does the same thing, so does a sex offender. The sentencing makes no sense. The states make all the money and still complain about the problems. The biggest buyer of narcotics is the United States Government. They take the drugs and put them back on the streets and your ignorant as hell if you think that they can stop all the drugs coming in. The drugs go out to undercover agents so they can build trust with big drug connections. Same thing happens with the guns, they take them off the street and they end up back in your hood.
These are the things they don't want you to know. Dirty cops only make up a small percentage of losers but they do that too.
We are known throughout the world as the land of prisons. We have an over crowding problem thats cool build another prison. I know that if we started to teach these inmates a trade and school them in a trade, build programs for them to learn something they can use in the real world then we would be doing this country a great service. It also sucks for them because nobody will hire these guys for fear that they will kill or rape or hurt people in the real world.
Show them that crime is not the only way to make money show them that somebody gives a shit about them. It's impossible for a person with a college degree to find work good luck if you have a record in todays fucked up economy, its never gonna happen they will end up doing what got them in trouble in the first place because thats all they know. 1 out of 5 can't get a job because of a felony. I talked to a guy that told me he couldn't get a job at KFC or McDonald's because he had a felony DUI 23 years ago! Wow is all I could say that doesn't make sense he lost his internet company and was looking for work.
You Basically only have one option if you get out maybe 2. you either start your own business and work for yourself and you are good at what you do and make money or two, you work for a friend of the family and most of these guys don't have family or any kind of help what-so ever. You can always go back to doing what you were doing that got you in prison in the first place 85% of the guys who get out go back. If you don't believe me watch Lock-Up on MSNBC one night and check it out its all facts.
No wonder we have economic problems like this. The People who make money are the people running the private prisons.
No matter the crime harsher punishments shouldn't be imposed on people it's been proven that it doesn't stop crime or slow it down. Most bad guys don't follow the laws or politics and have no clue that they could do life on petty amounts of drugs. They are Ignorant to the laws they break. They know nothings about law period.
The solution to the problems are as follows. Base all cases on drugs like any other crime on a case to case basis. Next throw out the mandatory sentencing and replace it with rehab and educational programs as part of the rehabilitation teach them a trade send them to a school specially designed for them to learn life skills and how to function in todays world. Show them that society cares about them. Most of these people are first timers with no past violent crimes in the past. They were sentenced and didn't deserve the harsh sentence they received. Put them on probation and have then pay off their debts to society when they screw up take them to a half way house and supervise them or set up a prison with minimum security so they learn their lesson. Show them that crime isn't all they can do take all prison funding each state receives and invest it in programs that help offenders. Stop all the Fucking Taxing of each and every one of us so we can make life easy for them.
What have they been doing you might ask with the billions they make? Well they shut down Programs and build bigger prisons, they also do not have enough supplies to make them work. Christian foundations help the prisons with food clothing and bible study programs but they do not help with schooling or trade schools. The small towns the prisons are in make all the money to fund their Parks and recreational areas and pave rural roads as well as start and build bigger and better schools for residents and the politicizations pocket sick amounts among other things they all drive cares worth more then the trailers they live in or own estate homes in country land on thousands of acres or drive hummers. It's disgusting. This is an epidemic of King Kong proportions it will never end until people start looking into it.
Violent offenders should do 100% of their sentencing not a day earlier. Drug crimes are so fucked up because the United States could never stop the flood of drugs coming in from Mexico, Canada, Overseas, and by boat and trains. It's Crazy The dealers high up in the food chain will never get caught because they use mules to move the products from country to country as well as use private security forces to protect them in countries that worship them and protect them good luck DEA. The drug Cartels also have technology to keep one step ahead of the US government they will always be one step ahead. They work hard to get around us.

5. WAR:
We are spending Billions upon Billions on a war that everyone by now knows we have no end to. This country was started on Wars and will most likely end on War. The world war3 scenario is coming this is a religious war Islam Vs. Everyone else. Over 3000 years and no resolve. Christians VS. Everyone, Jews VS. Islam, Christians VS. Islam, Christians VS. Islam VS. Pagans. The Jews are just fighting for their small piece of land the size of NEW JERSEY and for self preservation. they are truly a minority surrounded by enemies 1%'ers in this world of hate. Yet they have managed to take over all major media outlets and are controlling Hollywood and now moving to the internet they also run 80% of technology, chances are your using Microsoft and that is a Jewish owned company. I do not have a problem with any of the races or religious beliefs I've just written about and its not meant to offend, it is what it is.
After what Hitler did I'm happy that the Jewish people where able to rise above it all and come back stronger then ever or any other race of people have ever done. I have so much respect for them they get nothing but respect from me. It bothers me that people are so quick to judge the Jews for everything after everything they have endured and been through. they have been discriminated throughout history from the times of the great pharaohs who built the great pyramids to after Christ, all nationalities have been enslaved but the the Jews have been through way more then most races of people have.
This war we are in have the Jews on edge because they are surrounded by enemies of their state, Palestinian people who are Muslim are always trying to kill them, that's because the so called "Peace loving" Islamic religion has made them the lowest of the low (Jews).

When a Muslim kills for their God Alaha they are committing martyrdom and are going to heaven. In the holy book that states in order for you to reach your place in the kingdom of god you must spill the blood of your enemy. The Koran is not written by Alah himself but by the memory of the men who memorized it. Another interesting fact is that if Muhammad didn't agree with what he had said then Alaha would speak to him again, fixing the law he wrote before, the book was also written from memory and most, if not all of the followers have been told these stories from Muhammad that was never written in the lifetime of Muhammad but after he has died and the closet people closest to him also died in wars before it was written so it was written from memory not from texts that Muhammad had written but from stories 600 years after Christ. The Koran Believes that Moses and Jesus where great Prophets of Alah the one true God. If you do not Surrender to Alah the Koran says they are enemies and need to be killed, thats peaceful isn't it? The Lord Jesus Christ Died for my sins so that I may be with him in Heaven never did he say I needed to murder non Christians to go to heaven. Another fact that bothers me is that the Koran written by man is claimed to be mistake free and as any educated man woman or child knows man is not mistake free the bible has mistakes in it but its how you take it and your faith that drives your beliefs not a book its your faith that makes you. I saw a Youtube video of a 2 year old Muslim girl saying that the Jews need to be treated like pigs and cattle. That is the shit they teach their children is school there thats why we should fear these people not embrace it like its a peaceful religion. another thing is that if you speak up against this religion your in great danger I myself am only stating what i have read and seen in videos. I don't wish harm on Muslims just that I think they need to reread the book they hold so high. This is what this War is about a Religious war you can not reason with a person who's been brainwashed since birth to believe in a religion that you can clearly poke holes through. At least the bible is written in order and hasn't changed much since written with the words of God in it.

The Koran is supposed to be taken Literally, that should scare the shit out of you PEACE MY ASS! read the book like I have. It's a Lucifarian faith Sr. Winston Churchill said that read his quotes. He wasn't the first to say it. They did a study in the middle east among the Muslim population and found that they are the most depressed peoples on earth, they want you to convert or die and if you don't convert then you will die from depression. Its hell bent on world domination and as the days grow colder more and more kids and joining because its cool and trendy. Kind of like the kids in the 0's that joined the church of Satanism to scare their parents. Religion is about studying the faith and you must have faith to fully understand whats going on. Do my a Favor and please read the book Islam is of the Devil: Google it of youtube the video. see for yourself.study it like any other religion you want to learn more about don't just ask a Muslim do your own research you will be surprised its not hate that people are preaching even x Muslims are speaking out.
If your idea of stoning woman like they are in the dark ages, treating woman like property and second class, also beating your wife just for speaking to another man, is a peaceful religion? then this is for you.
I live in a country that allows me choices and freedoms to worship and speak my mind. It's my right as an American and the fact that we have become so afraid to speak out against this for fear of violence then what kind of peace is this?It's my Right as an American. This isn't me hating Islam its me stating the facts.
I don't agree with burning the Koran or an holy book and I don't agree with burning of flags its all wrong. The Christians that Bomb clinics and hurt others are no better and the Christians the hate Gay people are just as wrong. If Islam helps you live then do it its your faith. STOP all The Violence Please prove us wrong prove me wrong. Stop terror before it happens.
France is passing a law to not allow the traditional headdress of woman the Headscarf and the burke its their country if you dont like it move. The French have every right to ban the head dress and Burke from their society its not a Muslim country. Save the Shiite laws for the middle east and Muslim countries thats the message the French are giving Europe. I wouldn't be surprised if the French start getting terror attacks.

6. Politics:
Politics is another on of these fucked up things. The people running the show are puppets even the President appointed by the people.HA! don't make me laugh, in the past 20 years we've seen not just the vote of the people but also the others. This is the vote that the people don't know about. Yeah you voted for Obama and he won that's because the others wanted him too. In Florida we saw what happens when Bush lost that state and it turns out Gore would have won but the vote was hijacked from him. It was like a couple hundred votes were stolen from him that made it happen. The electoral the college vote or however its spelled all that played its part in the Bush victory. 2 different systems 1 outcome. We are the Majority WE THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. As we all witnessed in horror when its not going in favor of Governor JEB Bushes Brother we Fixed it with a couple thousand bags of votes washing up on shore also almost all the voting machines where fucked up and thats how we get the president we needed not wanted. What we needed to do was a redo.

Ok so since I can go on all night about this ill cut to the chase.

I have never voted and thats because my vote really doesn't count, I'll tell you why. Maybe in the beginning it all worked out the way it should have but now its a whole new game they are playing. I didn't want to vote for Bush, McCain, Nader, Ron Paul, Kerry, Hillary, Edwards, Obama, none of them I know that some where not even in there but whatever they are all the same shit. they all had the same plans just rehashed into different bullshit they where never gonna do anyway. Having a Muslim Black President was perfect because of the political bullshit we are in Plus Islam will not bomb us ass hard because Obama is hardcore Muslim even though he isn't they think he is.I know the Obama's stunt double is.Plus think of Rap Music and how much the sales will go up after Obama puts LIL Wayne on in one of his speeches I wonder if Obama is drinking purple Sprite? Pill Poppin animal Syrup Sippin NIGGA?

The Youth of today are so under educated it's like they had a stupid parade and everyone showed up. Most kids have no idea what's going on. that's why I'm home home schooling my children when and if I have them.I want them to know everything, I don't want the schools to brainwash them I want them to know history from everywhere not just one place. Its so sad when most ids can't tell you who the presidents where and what the 13 colonies are. how about what's the differences between the declaration of independents and the constitution? What are the offices of Government? They need to know world history and everything about science too. I also want them to learn correct English. Ebonics is not English no matter how hard Harvard wants to teach a class on it. My own grammar isn't the best but at least you all can understand what i'm saying. I do not speak in Text format.

I am planing on going back to college for my BA and then my MBA I would like to study Theology and major in Technology or take Message therapy or sports medicine. Lots of schooling and i'm going to do something that helps people, I would like to get into a graphic arts program. Also finish my credits for creative writing.

I cut out my Obama Rant for a later time.

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