Let me Tell you something about myself.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Reality TV WARS in a nutshell

Here is my break down on all those shows people watch anything ending in Wars or any reality TV I have been writing messages to all the shows on FB and just figured I would point out how nobody needs to watch the show to know what is going to happen. This is just one message I sent A&E:
Great just what we need another show with “WARS” in the title! Let me guess how this show works, keep in mind I have never watched this show and I do not plan on wasting my time on it. Start the show with some old pop song from the 90’s or some rock song from the 80’s or most recently I have noticed dubstep creeping into everything so we can use that to start the show plus you don’t need the rights all you need is a drum machine and fruity loops done!
1. We are going to meet a few veterans token fat guys, one short funny voice the other has a wacky beard and tattoos,(cut to commercial) 2. some new people aka rookies with a name like the young gun or a newly married couple that will not stop yelling at each other and fight about everything(it was her idea to start this and he is unemployed so it’s her money they are using), and 3. a couple of hot looking ladies(not pretty just slutty) most likely fake boobs if possible, and maybe one of them is bisexual and her best friend (pretty and natural)is a hardcore Jesus freak bible thumper, maybe even a token gay man like scott from keeping up with the kardashians (dressed amazing and drives an Audi) or black guy he says Swag after everything too(wears skinny jeans and sags them always wears hats and v necks drives a Escalade on 28s) for added drama they argue cause they know each other. 4. The really Rich Guy(he owns a fleet or trucks and has a helicopter drop him off) that can buy every unit, he is there just to be hated by the other cast members and he is all ego living off his dad’s money. 
Then we are going to sit in front of our TV’s like zombies and watch people argue and fight trying to meet deadlines(cut to commercial) ok now start the show about 15 minutes before and recap almost the entire show (cut to commercial)big reveal!
The editing can be done using YouTube editor and laptop the shows are all the same. I could write these shows with my eyes closed. I wish somebody would give me a shot at making a show that people would like to watch rather then this. another show I can’t stand is Operation Repo, Baitcar, you name it the shows are all the same. seems like ideas for anything original have gone out the window. Good luck with the show guys best of luck to you I will not be watching this. I will be watch AMC, Breaking bad, Walking Dead, and other well written shows that do involve people arguing about a bunch of nothing. For a really great Laugh watch Whale Wars I know that it’s on animal Planet but whatever it’s funny every week we watch a whole bunch of nothing happen. I am always On the side of Japan because whales do not need saving, The people writing these shows need saving. Hey I have an Idea for a show why not show school wars! yeah show some of the worst schools in the country and show the world how children act and how teachers behave now. Hire me I have great Ideas for shows. You can message me on FB. How about we write another show called Freedom Wars it will be all about trying to save the united states from The next presidents mistakes. Or how about we have a show called TSA WARS, you could shows what happens when children and familys get felt up by the TSA and how the constitution doesn’t protect us and our privacy anymore.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

This is good stuff right here...

This is good stuff right here...

Thankful for being honest, The truth is there for you all to find it.
Today I am thankful for not having children, not having a girl friend/wife, and last but not least thankful for being free of drama that comes from having kids and relationships with woman. For the people that believe being a single parent is awesome, I’m sorry you lost your way of living life. You all bought into the Propaganda of the new age and fell for the bullshit mainstream sheep programming. The media has made it OK to be single and have children with whoever you like. I am grateful for growing up in a household where my father was hardworking and my mother was also. I also got to witness true love between my mom and dad, something most of humanity has forgotten. I am extremely traditional in my family values when it comes to having a family. I lost all hope in humanity the second Men traded in their cocks for a Vagina and let woman control them. I also lost hope when it became social wrong to express my opinion on everything when I say everything I mean being P.C. and censor everything I say for fear that I might be labeled insensitive by some asshole who thinks wearing leather is like killing a human! Men shouldn’t have to shape their eyebrows and shave their beards into a pinstripe the color it in with an eyebrow pencil. Men shouldn’t have to dress like a Gay french model or some douche bag that wears aviators in a night club. Last I checked Men’s jeans are tighter then woman’s spandex. WTF! happen to real Men that took 30 minuets to shit shave and shower and be out the door! I can understand taking care of yourself but it’s a very fine line between looking good and LOOKING LIKE A GAY MAN. If it take’s you over an hour to get ready to go out you might wanna reach down in your pants and make sure you still have a pair. I am not ever going to become some soft Politically Correct 
Moron. If you are a real Man You don’t watch anything that is on Bravo/lifetime/Hallmark/woman’s network television or soap operas. The closest thing I watch to a soap opera is Breaking bad and the walking dead, oh and great comedy on HBO/SHOWTIME/STarz. I started watching true blood again cause it’s toned down the homosexual stuff a lot and that started to get on my nerves. I don’t care if you are gay man or woman I could care less Im not gay but I don’t like it when it’s being shoved down my throat all over the TV in the media and etc etc… you get my point. You don’t see me at gay fest with Heterosexual friends yelling and waving a flag. Oh I know why you would never see that because it would be considered hate speech. That’s right I forgot about that. Freedom of some speech not all. You will never see me protesting on an religious issues because all religion is or at some point has been extremely violent and controlling of it’s people. You love Jesus? Great more power to you, You love Allah! 
awesome! But don’t you dare think of expressing your freedom of speech towards any religion because it’s considered a hate crime. By a show of hands, lol no seriously, in some countries you can be locked up for saying the Holocaust wasn’t real or for saying that the so called “gas chambers” that were used for burning trash and the clothing of people who died there were never used to exterminate the jews(if you did the math to gas 6 million jews during the course of the war I believe you would have needed to gas 25,000 jews a day) plus the gas chamber would have had to have been built air tight and the size of 100 football fields enclosed, cause the so called “gas”  they used would have killed the people handling it and all the forests for miles around plus Germany did not have enough supplies to build such a massive thing . It wold have sucked the supply of steel concrete and wood along with chemicals needed for weapons they couldn’t have wasted on this fiction that has been taught as reality to us now. I like to read so do your homework. Get all the facts straight, fact Hitler did want a purely Aryan race of people, the myth is that 6million jews died, Fact jews only made up 1% of all the German population and at that time in Germany roughly 1.5million Jews lived there before the war broke out. estimates are at 485,000(about a half million)  Jews were living there when the war broke out, why doesn’t history tell us the story of the Millions of Gays, Gypsies, Greeks, Polish, and the Russian who suffered very much at the hands of not only their own government but at the cost of the brutal winter and famine that killed off a vast majority of their people. wow WW2 was one of man kinds worst moments. I am grateful for not believing the lies taught about the Holocaust in school and doing my own research. We pour and throw money at education in the USA and we are the least educated Ranks#27 in the world. That makes no sense, do your homework guys, don’t take my word for it look for it and you will find the truth. If I was to say any of this in any other country I would be facing life in prison. It’s not a hate crime to tell the truth. I do not hate anyone, I do not judge anyone, But the pusification of society has got to stop.
Have a great Weekend, I know I am not the only one that feels this way. Freedom should come with a warning label, such as warning: speaking from facts can be harmful to your life,  or History as told by the people who write fiction. L.Ron Huburt (science fiction writer: Wrote the book Battlefield Earth) better known for the church of scientology once said if you want to be rich start your own religion. It’s true

Friday, May 18, 2012

Die Hure weiß, wie man Kinder sh'e auf Nummer 8 Abtreibung töten. Braucht meine Hilfe nach 15 Jahren? WTF?!

Sie können Mist von anderen Männern erhalten, nachdem sie sehen, es mich glücklich macht, ich nicht mehr mit Ihnen bin und ich fühle erstaunlich mich. Wenn nur, wie viel wüssten Sie sind geworden extreme sogar die beste Hure aller Zeiten.Als ich Sie zuerst traf, hatte Sie keine Ahnung, was Bälle tief war, aber ich Sie zeigte. Viel Glück mit deine lose Vagina kein Kerl wünschen je nach all die Abtreibungen. Jetzt sind Sie am rechten 8? WOW! Du bist so eine Hure und Slave für alle Menschen. Sie haben keine Selbstachtung für sich selbst und das ist wirklich erbärmlich. Sie haben auch kein Selbstwertgefühl und werden nie gut genug für jedermann sein. Ich bin das beste, was, das Sie zwischen Ihren Beinen überhaupt gehabt haben, und Sie erhalten es nie nie wieder. Was ist so traurig ist, dass ich gesehen habe, oder mit Ihnen seit fast 15 Jahren und Sie immer noch versuchen, und sprechen Sie mit mir. Sind Sie immer eine Hure, und wissen wir alle, was wie Huren? Sie alle Liebe immer kaputt weit offen, wenn Sie es in das Gesicht und Po Backen nehmen. Hure Sie schmutzig, ekelhaft Schwein (Frau), Sie wissen, wer Sie sind und wenn es Sie stört, es alles über dich ist.Ihr Name mit m beginnt und endet mit einem Y. Ich bin jetzt mit einer wunderbaren Frau und sie ist nicht Hure Fledermaus Scheiße verrückte Schlampe Tier Hündin wie Sie. Vielen Dank für die Erinnerungen und alles, du Hure, ich gespeicherte Bilder von mir und dir. Niemand würde jemals das Gefühl schlecht für Sie die gespeicherten Bilder, die mein Penis in allen Bildern bleiben wird, so dass Ihre Familie sehen kann, was Sie mehr lieben dann Abtreibungen für ihren Lebensunterhalt. Wenn Sie versuchen, und nicht mehr mit mir Kontakt machen werde ich. Sie können per e-Mail, um Ihre ganze Familie. Ich sehe, Sie noch keinen Respekt für jedermann haben, einschließlich Sie selbst. Bleiben Sie Ach ja, und mit allen Mitteln bitte Meth Rauchen und Essen, Pillen oder was Sie gerne tun, jetzt, jetzt, dass du in Kanada bist. Sie haben Stapel die Scheiße Sie trinken es, lieben Pisse und Scheiße Essen. Lol das ist alles für jetzt wenn jemand durch gestört ist diese Scheiße sorry aber musste ich loswerden, dass Hure Schwein konfrontiert Hooker. Diese Hure Schlampe meint, dass sie mich als einen Freund noch, hat, obwohl ich sie über 15 Jahre nicht gesehen haben. WOW Ihre Medikamente müssen erstaunlich sein für Sie, die gehen weit zurück. Ich würde nicht lassen Sie mich zu berühren, wenn Sie die letzte Schlampe auf der Erde waren. Sie make me wanna zu Erbrechen, böse Hündin.

Enjoy I might have not written it correct enough but she will get the meaning, stupid ho!

(1) George M. Tsatsis

(1) George M. Tsatsis

Friday, May 4, 2012

Thursday, December 9, 2010

The Love and how we had it and lost it. By. George M. TSATSIS I

To say that we might have been in love is like sayin you are unsure of this. Ok Love isn't complicated because you only cause drama if your not in love. I'll leave it at that i will however have more to say shortly.
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Sunday, December 5, 2010


This is one of the beautiful mornings you may dream about. As a kid I always wanted it to snow, it was always the most amazing feeling. Fresh snow and a 150ft drive way to run down screaming and playing. Snowball fights were common place back in the day. Had to smack the city buses too ice balls. Can't forget lazer tag either. We use to have some of the greatest times. One day I can only hope to have those feelings again, not a care in the world, all adults share this lost childhood but it all comes back if you want it bad enough.
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Monday, November 8, 2010

Wisconsin, Planing a rode trip now that im still young enough to enjoy it.

What a Beautiful place. I took my friend home and it was so lovely. reminded me of upstate NY. I love to travel. it was about 1 hour from Milwaukee, all farm land i was asked to spend a few days there and found it very peaceful. The house was on a lake and I wish I could have stayed there. The dogs woke me up a few times jumping on me and acting crazy reminded me of my own dog. I picture myself living someplace like that one day I can't wait it felt like, when I was a child going up to see family in PA, and was just a lonely place but in a great way. the drive wasn't bad. 3-4 hours north depending on traffic. I love small towns and this place had it all. the main street was something out of a small movie. Every place I looked it was something out of a book. The farms I passed by the small town people and how friendly they where.

I plan on going to visit again when I have off from work. This winter hopefully will pay for my new bike that I plan On getting in the spring. I plan on traveling on my bike to California can't wait. Looking at BMW cruisers or better known as an enduro. I have my map planned out north west all the way to Seattle, maybe check out Forks then down then west cost to SD visit my brother and Hollywood to visit my cousin if he's still there.

I have just about 180 thousand miles logged driving in cars and about 40 thousand miles logged on motorcycle riding I know my way around the highway and know the rules of the road. Plan to drive in the day and sleep at night in a sleeping bag, in the wild. just need to save up the money and have enough just in case something happens while on the rode i will be able to fix it.

I wish other family members had this passion for adventure like me but That is yet to be determined. I have always wanted to do this now is my chance in spring Ill be looking at new bikes and can't wait to get on with it. I might even sell my car and almost all my stuff just to fund this. If anyone is down for a year long trek a once in a life time experience let me know.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Funny stuff terrorists going on strike

LONDON -- Muslim suicide bombers in Britain are set to begin a three-day strike this week in a dispute over the number of virgins they are entitled to in the afterlife. Emergency talks with al-Qaeda have so far failed to produce an agreement. The unrest began last week when al-Qaeda announced that the number of virgins a suicide bomber would receive after his death will be cut by 20 per cent this September, to 60 from 72. The rationale for the cut was the increase in recent years of the number of suicide bombings and a subsequent shortage of virgins in the afterlife. The number of suicide bombings and a subsequent shortage of virgins in the afterlife. The suicide bomber's union, the British Organization of Occupational Martyrs Occupational Martyrs(BOOM)responded with a statement that this was unacceptable to its members and immediately balloted for strike action. General Secretary Abdullah Amir told the press,"Our members are literally working themselves to death in the cause of Jihad. We don't ask for much in return, and to be treated like this is like a kick in the teeth." Speaking from his shed in the West Midlands, in which he currently resides, al-Qaida chief executive Osama bin Laden explained, "We sympathize with our workers concerns, but al-Qaida is simply not in a position to meet their demands. They are simply not accepting the realities of modern-day Jihad in a competitive marketplace. A competitive marketplace. Thanks to Western depravity there is now a chronic shortage of virgins in the afterlife. It's a straight choice between reducing expenditure and laying people off. I don't like cutting wages but I'd hate to have to tell 3,000 of my staff that they won't be able to blow themselves up." that they won't be able to blow themselves up." Spokespersons for the Union in the northeast of England, Ireland, Wales, and the entire Australian continent stated that the strike would not affect their operations, as "there are no virgins in their areas anyway." Apparently the number of suicide bombings has decreased substantially with the emergence of Scottish singing star Susan Boyle - now that Muslims know what an actual virgin looks like they are not so keen on going to paradise.
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Monday, October 4, 2010

9 Satanic statements learn something.

I don't believe everything I read or hear but these extreme Christian people are judging everything and everyone all the time. I believe whatever makes you a better person or whatever makes you feel good so you can sleep at night is good. This satanic stuff isn't for everyone and Christianity isn't for everyone. If you believe in Christ then you also believe in Satan. Stop being a hypocrite and open your eyes.
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Friday, October 1, 2010

Myka Your awesome!

First I wanna say your Awesome! Then your smart and very clever, very big turn on's. I also can appreciate the connection we have made. I know we both work crazy hours and we can't always talk for 12 hours at a time but that's all good. When I move we have a lot of things we are gonna do. I feel bad that we are not close to each other so we can spend time together. I wish you lived closer, that's gonna change very soon. I've been talking to a friend and he's gonna move with me that should make it easier to find a place and have a buddy to split rent with. It's cool to have a buddy for the trip.

I can not wait to give you a big hug and kiss, and some other stuff hahahaha ;) You already know we are sweet for each other. I couldn't have asked for a sweeter woman in my life. I'm happy we met on the forums or else I don't know how long it would have taken for me to meet a beautiful woman like you. Plus your sexy as hell. I hope you can wait for me i'm waiting for you. Your 1 in a Trillion. Plus you make my heart skip.

It's that you make me laugh and I could never be all down and out with you. Thank FSM for all the wisdom i'm getting. The feelings are mutual between us, I like the way we know so much about each other in such a short time span but then again I do not hide who I am, I'm a what you see is what you get type of guy. From the First day of Autumn till we meet in real life I'm counting the moments till that happens.

I felt like I had to let you know through here. Your special and it take's a certain type of guy to see you the way I see you and respect the woman you are. I'm the luckiest man I know. i hope you love all the pics I send you silly ones included. I feel like our nerdy powers will unite the world and make us a powerful couple Shenaniganizer and Greek ready to take on the Universe and Tattoo the planet with our nerdy talk and goofy behavior. What do we have if we are not having fun? Depression and that's not going to happen.

Till then MUAH!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

FSM READ This > the religion is amazing.

http://www.venganza.org/ its great to see this. Im not offended in the slightest I respect it. You might question why???? I'll tell you the answers are inside you.

H.I.M killing loneliness lyrics

Memories, sharp as daggers
Pierce into the flesh of today
The suicide of love took away all that matters
And buried the remains in an unmarked grave in your heart

With the venomous kiss you gave me
I'm killing loneliness (Killing loneliness)
With the warmth of your arms you saved me,
Oh, I'm killing loneliness with you
The killing loneliness that turned my heart into a tomb
I'm killing loneliness

Nailed to a cross, together
As solitude begs us to stay
And we disappear in the lie, forever
And denounce the power of death over our souls and secret words are said to start a war

With the venomous kiss you gave me
I'm killing loneliness (Killing loneliness)
With the warmth of your arms you saved me
Oh, I'm killing loneliness with you
The killing loneliness that turned my heart into a tomb
I'm killing loneliness (I'm killing loneliness)

I'm killing loneliness

With the venomous kiss you gave me
I'm killing loneliness (Killing loneliness)
With the warmth of your arms you saved me
Oh, I'm killing loneliness with you
The killing loneliness that turned my heart into a tomb
I'm killing loneliness

I'm killing loneliness with you
I'm killing loneliness with you
Killing loneliness with you
Killing loneliness with you

Killing loneliness
Killing loneliness

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Godless for all?

Government controls everything even the training of taliban. Who do you think showed people how to blow shit up? we Did. Now do your research, we gave them all this powerful shit. Like taking away a stone and replacing it with a car bomb. When soviet Russia fought that small 9 year war with Hagi's that's what marins call them. We showed them how to fight. Now Obama is truthfully lied if that's making sense.
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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Lord is mistake free so Lord don't forsake me. What if it's already been done? Am I still his creation?

That's what I heard once making complete sense. lifeless sleep dreams in blood isn't this crazy zombies are godless creatures with only one motive to enjoy the meals the living offer them.
I walk alone on my old block in Brooklyn, near my house. I'm sleeping the sleep of so many before me. I walk like zombies do with one purpose to feed of the living. I can smell death that's because I'm dead and the remains of old bodies rotting around me. I have hyper senses and hear foot steps coming closer. I turn only to be surprised that it's just my dead classmate who's found us a snack. we must move quickly and quietly if we are to get flesh. We spot 2 people a Man and woman looking for a car to steal. I approach and the man fires on me and misses I start running 28days later zombie style my classmate takes the woman I eat the man and when it was all over I turned and kept walking down that old street in Brooklyn. Part 1 Part 2. coming soon I'll explain how this all happened but till then this is. Taste of zombie lifeless.
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Saturday, September 11, 2010

Viewpoints and My Opinion and The Shit we have become. Comes to life, From ashes to ashes, Dust to dust

Between this point in time and the rest of my life, I will without a doubt fall asleep at the wheel. The tears streaming down my face from the pain deep inside. Something primiative and long forgotten takes over.
Looking into the mirror, I can barely make out my own face. Is it really me? i question myself. Could I have been dreaming of this long lost tomorrow? Am I just a Ghost? Maybe a shell? Who Knows? Not I...
Sickened by the current life I've come to expect it. Not now anyway.
The World Only Knows how to bring a person down. They do have pills for that you know?
I still ask myself with a blank stare, "do you really want to know who I am"? "WELL"? do you?
Just wondering that's all.
Sleepless in wherever I am, forget Seattle, nothings there but the lambs of God, sheep's and cattle. Oh! What I wouldn't give to hit one with a cow prod. I bet it hurts like crazy. I know now why cows go mad and the reason people who live in the city are always sad. The people that like me have issues in the head.I often ask myself why would anyone want to hangout with me?

1. I use to be many things.
I use to be funny and could make people laugh, now I feel as though they just would rather have me leave and go away.
Gloomy rainy cold days are amazing for many personal reasons. I can blend in better as I write the weather changes ever so slightly to remind me that the sun is out. I do see, I know that one day the sun will burn down our planet and the best part of it is, i'll be sleeping, dreaming and not to a care about the end. Why should I care about the end of all things if they don't care about me, In the long run.

2. You need to remember that no matter how Christian you are or what God you Pray to is this. I can bet you that we are not the only living thing in this place we call space. The people who do not believe are ignorant. Jesus might have been from another planet all together. For all we know he was an alien sent from a peace loving place in the Universe. Jesus was real and so were other historical figures. Is it really so hard to believe Jesus could have been E.T.?
So much speculation and historical dates getting mixed up. For all we know 2012 has come and gone. People debate the birth of Christ give or take years so that means it could have already happened. 2012 Could have past us right by and your still shitting your pants.

3. Global warming could be real, but check out the facts the earth has gone through hotter times. It has frozen over many times too. No matter what everyone does it will not stop or slow down SHIT! point blank. The charts only show the last 250,000 years. Don't get me wrong i'm all about some clean air and water cause we need that to live. But I will not allow anyone to make me think we are destroying the planet. Yes people use to be way more reckless and destroy things, Toxic waste in water, Lead Paints, etc... Those days are gone now. We replaced it all with War/Wars.
OUR WORLD IS NOW BEING RUN BY PUSSY ASS MOTHER FUCKERS. SOFT POLITICAL ASSHOLES with way to much Power on their hands. Eventually some asshole will Nuke the Planet and we will all become dust and fossil fuel for the next wave of critters on our planet. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

This is my opinion and view points on some of the things I know of. I know I barely scratched the surface. If we all want to get through this bullshit we need to practice self control. something this generation of children are not learning enough of.
Thanks Al Gore for putting our country and the world in a state of panic.I know his research has so many so called "facts" but he isn't telling us the whole truth in all matters, as of now he has been debunked on many things. I agree we do need to stop depending on oil for everything, Gas isn't the only fuel we can use. the problem is that clean energy is very expensive right now, but the more we research and start using the prices will drop. It will get cheaper.

4.I want to make a few things clear: Politics, War, Religion, Drugs, and Prison.
The one thing all of these issues have in common is Money and Big Business. Let's start with Prisons, Each state makes a lot of money from the prison systems. More and More prisons in the US are being contracted to private companies. They area Multi-Billion Dollar a year industry. They house Millions of inmates a year and the cost varies. They predict that 1 out of 5 adults has or will be incarcerated in their life time. That's Scary 1 out of 5 compared to the 60's and 70's when it was more like 1 in 10. the number has increased at an alarming rate. The state Makes about 45,000 to 75,000 a year and I've even heard of some making over 100,000 an inmate per year. Plus the small towns they house them get all the big money from the government because inmates count as residents of that county or township they are in. Inmates can't vote but only one state they are in Mass. Most criminals are locked up for drug related crimes everything from sales to use. It's the war on drugs that failed and in no way are the drug task forces winning. People need help not long mandatory prison sentences. they are not being rehabilitated they go into prison a petty drug dealer or drug abuser and come out educated on everything from learning fraud to learning how to commit more violent crimes and 9 times out of 10 end up back in. Most of these guys have come from broken homes or where only shown how to do bad from a young age. some never went to school and can't read. It's just sad. they are minorities so people do not care for them, also makes me wonder why drug dealers get 75 years to life when a sex offender gets maybe 8 or 10 years. Same goes for a murderer. Oh yeah they get out of prison more often then you may think. Drug dealers get life and people who rape and hurt children get a slap on the wrist.
It's totally ass backwards. I know that drug dealers bring violence to our neighborhoods and people get hurt. Families get destroyed from drugs but a killer does the same thing, so does a sex offender. The sentencing makes no sense. The states make all the money and still complain about the problems. The biggest buyer of narcotics is the United States Government. They take the drugs and put them back on the streets and your ignorant as hell if you think that they can stop all the drugs coming in. The drugs go out to undercover agents so they can build trust with big drug connections. Same thing happens with the guns, they take them off the street and they end up back in your hood.
These are the things they don't want you to know. Dirty cops only make up a small percentage of losers but they do that too.
We are known throughout the world as the land of prisons. We have an over crowding problem thats cool build another prison. I know that if we started to teach these inmates a trade and school them in a trade, build programs for them to learn something they can use in the real world then we would be doing this country a great service. It also sucks for them because nobody will hire these guys for fear that they will kill or rape or hurt people in the real world.
Show them that crime is not the only way to make money show them that somebody gives a shit about them. It's impossible for a person with a college degree to find work good luck if you have a record in todays fucked up economy, its never gonna happen they will end up doing what got them in trouble in the first place because thats all they know. 1 out of 5 can't get a job because of a felony. I talked to a guy that told me he couldn't get a job at KFC or McDonald's because he had a felony DUI 23 years ago! Wow is all I could say that doesn't make sense he lost his internet company and was looking for work.
You Basically only have one option if you get out maybe 2. you either start your own business and work for yourself and you are good at what you do and make money or two, you work for a friend of the family and most of these guys don't have family or any kind of help what-so ever. You can always go back to doing what you were doing that got you in prison in the first place 85% of the guys who get out go back. If you don't believe me watch Lock-Up on MSNBC one night and check it out its all facts.
No wonder we have economic problems like this. The People who make money are the people running the private prisons.
No matter the crime harsher punishments shouldn't be imposed on people it's been proven that it doesn't stop crime or slow it down. Most bad guys don't follow the laws or politics and have no clue that they could do life on petty amounts of drugs. They are Ignorant to the laws they break. They know nothings about law period.
The solution to the problems are as follows. Base all cases on drugs like any other crime on a case to case basis. Next throw out the mandatory sentencing and replace it with rehab and educational programs as part of the rehabilitation teach them a trade send them to a school specially designed for them to learn life skills and how to function in todays world. Show them that society cares about them. Most of these people are first timers with no past violent crimes in the past. They were sentenced and didn't deserve the harsh sentence they received. Put them on probation and have then pay off their debts to society when they screw up take them to a half way house and supervise them or set up a prison with minimum security so they learn their lesson. Show them that crime isn't all they can do take all prison funding each state receives and invest it in programs that help offenders. Stop all the Fucking Taxing of each and every one of us so we can make life easy for them.
What have they been doing you might ask with the billions they make? Well they shut down Programs and build bigger prisons, they also do not have enough supplies to make them work. Christian foundations help the prisons with food clothing and bible study programs but they do not help with schooling or trade schools. The small towns the prisons are in make all the money to fund their Parks and recreational areas and pave rural roads as well as start and build bigger and better schools for residents and the politicizations pocket sick amounts among other things they all drive cares worth more then the trailers they live in or own estate homes in country land on thousands of acres or drive hummers. It's disgusting. This is an epidemic of King Kong proportions it will never end until people start looking into it.
Violent offenders should do 100% of their sentencing not a day earlier. Drug crimes are so fucked up because the United States could never stop the flood of drugs coming in from Mexico, Canada, Overseas, and by boat and trains. It's Crazy The dealers high up in the food chain will never get caught because they use mules to move the products from country to country as well as use private security forces to protect them in countries that worship them and protect them good luck DEA. The drug Cartels also have technology to keep one step ahead of the US government they will always be one step ahead. They work hard to get around us.

5. WAR:
We are spending Billions upon Billions on a war that everyone by now knows we have no end to. This country was started on Wars and will most likely end on War. The world war3 scenario is coming this is a religious war Islam Vs. Everyone else. Over 3000 years and no resolve. Christians VS. Everyone, Jews VS. Islam, Christians VS. Islam, Christians VS. Islam VS. Pagans. The Jews are just fighting for their small piece of land the size of NEW JERSEY and for self preservation. they are truly a minority surrounded by enemies 1%'ers in this world of hate. Yet they have managed to take over all major media outlets and are controlling Hollywood and now moving to the internet they also run 80% of technology, chances are your using Microsoft and that is a Jewish owned company. I do not have a problem with any of the races or religious beliefs I've just written about and its not meant to offend, it is what it is.
After what Hitler did I'm happy that the Jewish people where able to rise above it all and come back stronger then ever or any other race of people have ever done. I have so much respect for them they get nothing but respect from me. It bothers me that people are so quick to judge the Jews for everything after everything they have endured and been through. they have been discriminated throughout history from the times of the great pharaohs who built the great pyramids to after Christ, all nationalities have been enslaved but the the Jews have been through way more then most races of people have.
This war we are in have the Jews on edge because they are surrounded by enemies of their state, Palestinian people who are Muslim are always trying to kill them, that's because the so called "Peace loving" Islamic religion has made them the lowest of the low (Jews).

When a Muslim kills for their God Alaha they are committing martyrdom and are going to heaven. In the holy book that states in order for you to reach your place in the kingdom of god you must spill the blood of your enemy. The Koran is not written by Alah himself but by the memory of the men who memorized it. Another interesting fact is that if Muhammad didn't agree with what he had said then Alaha would speak to him again, fixing the law he wrote before, the book was also written from memory and most, if not all of the followers have been told these stories from Muhammad that was never written in the lifetime of Muhammad but after he has died and the closet people closest to him also died in wars before it was written so it was written from memory not from texts that Muhammad had written but from stories 600 years after Christ. The Koran Believes that Moses and Jesus where great Prophets of Alah the one true God. If you do not Surrender to Alah the Koran says they are enemies and need to be killed, thats peaceful isn't it? The Lord Jesus Christ Died for my sins so that I may be with him in Heaven never did he say I needed to murder non Christians to go to heaven. Another fact that bothers me is that the Koran written by man is claimed to be mistake free and as any educated man woman or child knows man is not mistake free the bible has mistakes in it but its how you take it and your faith that drives your beliefs not a book its your faith that makes you. I saw a Youtube video of a 2 year old Muslim girl saying that the Jews need to be treated like pigs and cattle. That is the shit they teach their children is school there thats why we should fear these people not embrace it like its a peaceful religion. another thing is that if you speak up against this religion your in great danger I myself am only stating what i have read and seen in videos. I don't wish harm on Muslims just that I think they need to reread the book they hold so high. This is what this War is about a Religious war you can not reason with a person who's been brainwashed since birth to believe in a religion that you can clearly poke holes through. At least the bible is written in order and hasn't changed much since written with the words of God in it.

The Koran is supposed to be taken Literally, that should scare the shit out of you PEACE MY ASS! read the book like I have. It's a Lucifarian faith Sr. Winston Churchill said that read his quotes. He wasn't the first to say it. They did a study in the middle east among the Muslim population and found that they are the most depressed peoples on earth, they want you to convert or die and if you don't convert then you will die from depression. Its hell bent on world domination and as the days grow colder more and more kids and joining because its cool and trendy. Kind of like the kids in the 0's that joined the church of Satanism to scare their parents. Religion is about studying the faith and you must have faith to fully understand whats going on. Do my a Favor and please read the book Islam is of the Devil: Google it of youtube the video. see for yourself.study it like any other religion you want to learn more about don't just ask a Muslim do your own research you will be surprised its not hate that people are preaching even x Muslims are speaking out.
If your idea of stoning woman like they are in the dark ages, treating woman like property and second class, also beating your wife just for speaking to another man, is a peaceful religion? then this is for you.
I live in a country that allows me choices and freedoms to worship and speak my mind. It's my right as an American and the fact that we have become so afraid to speak out against this for fear of violence then what kind of peace is this?It's my Right as an American. This isn't me hating Islam its me stating the facts.
I don't agree with burning the Koran or an holy book and I don't agree with burning of flags its all wrong. The Christians that Bomb clinics and hurt others are no better and the Christians the hate Gay people are just as wrong. If Islam helps you live then do it its your faith. STOP all The Violence Please prove us wrong prove me wrong. Stop terror before it happens.
France is passing a law to not allow the traditional headdress of woman the Headscarf and the burke its their country if you dont like it move. The French have every right to ban the head dress and Burke from their society its not a Muslim country. Save the Shiite laws for the middle east and Muslim countries thats the message the French are giving Europe. I wouldn't be surprised if the French start getting terror attacks.

6. Politics:
Politics is another on of these fucked up things. The people running the show are puppets even the President appointed by the people.HA! don't make me laugh, in the past 20 years we've seen not just the vote of the people but also the others. This is the vote that the people don't know about. Yeah you voted for Obama and he won that's because the others wanted him too. In Florida we saw what happens when Bush lost that state and it turns out Gore would have won but the vote was hijacked from him. It was like a couple hundred votes were stolen from him that made it happen. The electoral the college vote or however its spelled all that played its part in the Bush victory. 2 different systems 1 outcome. We are the Majority WE THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. As we all witnessed in horror when its not going in favor of Governor JEB Bushes Brother we Fixed it with a couple thousand bags of votes washing up on shore also almost all the voting machines where fucked up and thats how we get the president we needed not wanted. What we needed to do was a redo.

Ok so since I can go on all night about this ill cut to the chase.

I have never voted and thats because my vote really doesn't count, I'll tell you why. Maybe in the beginning it all worked out the way it should have but now its a whole new game they are playing. I didn't want to vote for Bush, McCain, Nader, Ron Paul, Kerry, Hillary, Edwards, Obama, none of them I know that some where not even in there but whatever they are all the same shit. they all had the same plans just rehashed into different bullshit they where never gonna do anyway. Having a Muslim Black President was perfect because of the political bullshit we are in Plus Islam will not bomb us ass hard because Obama is hardcore Muslim even though he isn't they think he is.I know the Obama's stunt double is.Plus think of Rap Music and how much the sales will go up after Obama puts LIL Wayne on in one of his speeches I wonder if Obama is drinking purple Sprite? Pill Poppin animal Syrup Sippin NIGGA?

The Youth of today are so under educated it's like they had a stupid parade and everyone showed up. Most kids have no idea what's going on. that's why I'm home home schooling my children when and if I have them.I want them to know everything, I don't want the schools to brainwash them I want them to know history from everywhere not just one place. Its so sad when most ids can't tell you who the presidents where and what the 13 colonies are. how about what's the differences between the declaration of independents and the constitution? What are the offices of Government? They need to know world history and everything about science too. I also want them to learn correct English. Ebonics is not English no matter how hard Harvard wants to teach a class on it. My own grammar isn't the best but at least you all can understand what i'm saying. I do not speak in Text format.

I am planing on going back to college for my BA and then my MBA I would like to study Theology and major in Technology or take Message therapy or sports medicine. Lots of schooling and i'm going to do something that helps people, I would like to get into a graphic arts program. Also finish my credits for creative writing.

I cut out my Obama Rant for a later time.
When doesn't it's working
Hey it's George

Thursday, June 17, 2010


No Love Lost...
World wide Crime wave Its so real.
Rated: R
Contains Evil thoughts that the world doesn't care about. Everything they told was wrong. go see the hood, check out wtf is going on. WILD WILD WEST

When my life was in turmoil or should I say fuckin Hell. I was wild no fuck wild I didn't care what happen to me. My Gun was My life support system, its why im here now. I couldn't have done it better then how I was ill stay this way in my heart.

Still never cared,
"Give me That Fuckin SHIT right Now!
Do you understand thats life...

Just clappin to speak. Guns the way of life so a Suburban gonna roll over you I might even back up on you lol.Dont forget the special metal plates in the doors of truck. You can hit me. Its like that. Thats what Im on. CRUSH the Soul out of u, closed casket, GOODNIGHT.....
My words are razor blades used just to cut you.

Never Trust anyone with their hands in their pockets they are hiding a weapon or wanna steal from you. You can never trust a thief, I always have a knife because Ill cut you. "I said wait, Get them hands up or Ill cut your throat"
I would rather Beat you till they need finger prints. Murders need body's so if you dont have one what murder? Right? I never killed shit, I dont hurt anyone. I Protect myself. If you try to take my life then your dead. nuff said.

If they luck runs out then thats how it is.
People die like every single day.
In every bad place you would never drive your ride in,
But thats where I live, I get money and laugh like everything is funny. I may crack a smile but im not happy about a fuckin thing. I frown more then anything Im not ever mad. Money makes me smile having things that I work hard for makes me smile and putting a smile on my mothers face makes me smile. I love my family thats all I have. Im living alone in this cold world.



Tuesday, May 4, 2010

I reflect emotion while taking time to be a great person.

Some say he is the end of all things to come. I just wanna feel the love.
Some said he wasn't shit he never gave a shit about what others think.
Treat everyone with respect and only diss them if they are slobs or low lives.
Treat people like you want to be treated and you will be rewarded for everything.
I never cared much for what other thought, I reflect all my emotions.
I reflect emotions deeper then anything you could dream of.
My soul became the bottomless pit of everything.
My suffering and pain have become and will always be the stronger because after you lose a father things changed. Things fucked me up. My emotions from that day still linger after all this time. I mean doesn't anyone know why I give them the finger in photos?
I don't give a fuck about looking cool or being hot.
Simple reasons can explain why others wanna be.
Remember the simple reasons no need to explain every little detail.
Leave something to the imagination your thoughts should be peaceful.
My name is George I feel as thought no one is equal.
this is who I am, I am a writer a dreamer and a believer.
I have and will continue to grow mentaly grow in my physical form.
I'm working hard to keep life blanced steady and chill.
Who cares how I feel sometimes it's just me.
My x was weaker then any woman I have ever had.
I slowly became depressed not knowing why I would do next.
I have to admit I didn't wanna be with her and should have walked away long before 2010 Jan 29th so I'm as much to blame as she was. What a load of bullshit she was.
I never wanna meet another girl like that. I told her everything about me I had no secrets.
She had no respect for family and she could never take a joke.
I couldn't stand some shit she did like rip her toenails off it was stupid. Never have I met a more pathetic person I was being drained of my life force. Ok fuck it I'm done with her my life has been awesome.
I met a sweet woman online for as far as I can tell she's fine. No problems. No redflags as I put it. She's really has me amazed at how she is. I just wish I could be with her now but she's in GA I'm in IL but it's not the distence that gets to me it's the being on the phone and wanting to take her out but I can't it sucks but it's ok and I deal.
I deal with the 800 something miles that seperates us. I really hate the south as you already know from one of m first blogs.
Well y'all lol just fuckin with you guys out there.
If I ever see a redneck acting like a dildo I call them out. You may ask yourslf why? Why George? You looking for trouble young man? I answer with this act as if your at diner with a person and don't try so hard to impress me. I don't believe in bullshit that own making me who I am. I do not believe in money because the future is so bright right now that doesn't matter. When you've lost so much as my family has it's just like the who cares effect. Some may say the "I don't give a fuck" switch I have the one with the curse word in it.
Some may argue and say hey that's not good! I say fuck it life is way to short to let vampires suck me dry. Turn the switch on when people act as I'd they are better when they hide under thief insecurity blankets. You bitch you! Bitch is a word used to describe the weak. Not a woman. If people call you a bitch maybe you need to change how you act in front of everyone.
I'm a big believer in a bunch of nothing with a side order of emptiness. I know you like that I know. The reason is because deep down inside you feel that way at times. I run on the strength that has given me. My actions and eveything I do has a purpose in my life and if you find yourself doing things with no purpose your lost and need a guide.
Wether you find yourself at a meeting or trying to talk to close family or friends I'll continue to write my blogs this is how I vent this is my church. I speak about whatever I feel and sometimes what I use to feel. Life is a big game you only have one player and how you choose to move is life or death.
This shit may or may not be over your head. I do like feedback and let me know what you think I should be talking about. Since the news is cooked I don't watch tv it's all bullshit. Go sit on the couch and do not get up till news at 11pm comes on see what it does to you. The media tells you how to feel, dress, fuck, etc. I say fuck them and thier mothers.
Ok on the jobsite see you guys soon. Maybe when I have some extra cash I'll start a video blog and keep this one as a side project.

Monday, April 19, 2010


I'm so pissed about so much right now, I'm keeping my cool though. I can't pay my bills but that's about to change.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

A true story from 2005

The saga of 2005 whore and assholes mixed with a bunch of stupidity. A true story. I can't make this shit up.

Well I just have to say that I don't care what you think of me, first off and this is my opinion and shit! Also if you don't like what I have to say or do like what I have to say drop me a line comment. This is also going to be posted on my blogger so follow it and subscribe to it. I like having feed back and I like knowing that people like or don't like what I have to say. In just keeping it real. I'll repost a link in my status and leave it there if you all wanna join my blog I'll join yours if you have one. I have only one fear and that's of stupid people breeding. Laws need to be passed and stupid people need to be locked up. Our wonderful nation is under serious attack by the stupid girls and guys that run around being complete jerk offs and the way I see things it's just driving me crazy. Why is it that I have a hard time meeting honest good people who like a great conversation and something besides dumb hit to talk about? I recently spoke to an x who I will call dumb girl cause I don't wanna give away her name in fear that dumb girl will say something really stupid I can post on my blog. I did whoever save a whole aim chat that highlites the stupidity that is this person. So let's get on to the details of why this note will save your life one day... I befriend my x on fb only to find out I had grown up and she, well she, just sat in the same pool of assholes that never progress or move forward and grow up also make a note of this shit right here: I remember why we broke up and I am happy I didn't stay with you or that long she was a control freak that wanted me to follow her like a lost puppy well I didn't and that's when she left and not less then a month after she ran off and married the first guy she met. See that's some stupid shit you never marry a rebound and to make it worse she got a divorce because she couldn't handle commitment but I knew this. She is also a cheater and liar by nature you can't make a person smart if they haven't asked any intelegent questions and you can't turn a ho into a house wife. I never really loved her but we did have fun for a few months. Also this is fb and not myspace that's what she said and she didn't like the fact I said good night on her page so I said ok I'll stop leaving messages. Keep in mind it was ok for other friends to say whatever they wanted on her wall but I wasn't allowed. I said sorry an moved on cause it looked like she was just fishing for a fight. I don't do arguments I walk away. I don't give in to stupidity, also she has a friend that I'll call dude, that still thinks he's gonna be famous and has a band but they haven't had any luck with skills or the right sound since 2003 they should have already been on something like a record deal or at least a video or something that tells the world I'm a serious musician and have played more then 10 shows with real bands not competeing with HS bands and playing dive bars. Anyway I once told him that he looked nothing like his pictures on myspace cause he Photoshops the shit out of his face and body and looks nothing like his pic, well dumb girl was dating me at the time and dude had a crush on her and I know they did in fact have something going on while she cheated on her bf with me she must have slept with him as well really classy also I never knew she had a bf till I saw him with her when i was dropping off a DVD at blockbuster I saw him holdingbher hand and I drove home later on that week I asked her who that guy was oh he's just a friend. I went along with it of course because dumb girl was stupid but still very hot and most guys loved her cause she was sexy but that in no way means I'm shallow just means that I like eye candy and I like being surround by sexy people. Dude was not sexy at all he was obese as all hell with a gut and complete with fear in his eyes cause he knew I knew he like my girl so when I said that to him I ment it like hey man why hide your gut an 2 chins from the world we all need to see that. I looked great by the way and I'm happy to say that as I'm getting older I'm getting way more fit and stronger. I look great and smell great and I probably have less body hair then your lesbian lover. I must have offended dude and dumb girl got all mad at me cause we where at a concert and she acted like she wasn't with me at this show so that ment no holding hands no kissing nothing so I walked away and found some of my friends and started to talk to some really sexy girls at a merchant table and out of the corner of my eye who is spying on me?! Dude! Was watching me and then after I spotted him I kept talking to the girls and dumb girl came up and was like WTF is going on here?! All bitch style and reminded me of a HS drama class or a really bad soap opera. I was like sorry ladies this is my friend dumb girl and they were like ok well it was nice to meet you and I was like wait I'm not done talking and dumb girl grabs me in the most childish way and locks lips with me to fuk up my game talk about cock block! Anyway I was like I thought you said you wanted to be alone Aka act single and shit she was like yeah but dude told me you found hot girls and it bothered me, so I responded with it's not my fault dude only looks good on myspace and has the body of an obese teenager with bitch tits and a gut and chins to match. I mean dude had bigger breasts then my x. Must have been all the weed and drinking that gave him his sexy frame. I looked like an mma fighter complete with big arms Aka the gun show and I was looking amazing in my tank top with all my tattoos showing not one of my tattoo sucks and they all look amazing unlike dude who must have went to a new guy to get all his ink cause his tattoos were so ugly and gross a 3rd grader could have done better work. Ok enough about ink because not everyone is blessed to find great tattoo artists and not everyone should have tattoos they don't fit everyones personality. I respect everyones ink but if it's cheap chances are your ink will look it. Let's face it you don't go out and buy a car with a crappy paint job and rust why litter your skin with stuff like that? I have done a few tattoos and I am getting my equipment back and building my collection on pics again problem is all my work was on a computer that got fried in a thunderstorm and I couldn't retrive my tattoo pictures off the hard drive. I do need the practice and need people who want tattoos just pay me for my needles and give me a tip that's all I ask. Needles are not cheap. Gloves and bags are not cheap and thermol paper isn't cheap. I need to make some money to buy back what I use on you. Ok enough let's get back to dumb girl and dude. Did I mention dude wore eyeliner and had a very girly haircut? And he was about 5'10 270something pounds maybe more. I couldn't tell he was wearing a ghey flames shirt the kind that went out of style the day before they came out. And cargo shorts that were tight cause nothing says sexy like tight cargo shorts and boots it was 2005 not 1993 WTF?! Someone needs a lesson in dressing for shows like you never wear the shirt of the band your gonna see and if you look like anyone in the band please don't dress like them they are really famouse and you look like a poser. It's concert rules. If it's warm and nice I wear a tank top with jeans and some steal toe boots you never know. I always drink at shows too water bottle filled with clear rum to mix with my diet coke. It works and I always make friends at shows for that reason. I don't mind sharing some booze cause I never drink and when I do I get crunk, it's all in good fun another thing you can do is buy coffee and use Brandy and bailys it's really good chilled and nobody knows shit. I only drink beer if that's all they have but I'm not a fan of being bloated and missing the show to go piss. So as we are leaving the show and this show was awesome deftones live with a bunch of other bands I can't remember cause I wasn't there for them just the tones, she got into a fullblown yelling match in the car and she had invited her friends that were kind of fucked up on something all night but they didn't really talk to me and that's fine but they told me after dumb girl and I split that she was making out with dumd and being a total slut one of my friends at the show called me a week later and asked me If we had broken up I was like no why what's up? He was like I saw her making out with dude at the show that night and I was like why didn't u tell me then and he was like I thought you guys were just friends cause it turned out she told him that we were just friends that night. I told him who was the guy what did he look like he didn't describe dude at all it was the guy That followed us to the show with his girl friend and the couple that was with us drove with me I was floored like what a whore! Anyway we didn't last after that I packed up her shit that she has in my room and waited to go pick her up from work and she said why are my bags in the truck I was like I'm taking you to your bf's house she's like noooo I was like yeah and she told me to drop her off at her friends house who is Wiccan by the way I don't have any problem with Wiccan people I don't personaly believe in that but who am I to judge and say what's ok an what isn't. I drop he off and that was the last I heard from her until about 2 weeks ago when I found her online and we started talking and just catching up on eveything she had no idea my best friend had passed away and we talked for a week straight every night it was like old times. Dude was still in the picture and from the looks of his pics he is doing the Donald trump with his hair it's not all sexy like before he lost some weight but still maintained crappy tattoos he has even more I also befriended him an said sorry for being a dick to you in the past. Everything was fine until dumb girl told me not to speak to him or anything. I asked her why and she said that I hated him and that he didn't like me for what I had said I just told her that I said sorry and we all need to move on also since it's her friend I wasn't allowed to be his friend, I told her that we are all adults and there is no reason we have to hold a grudge from 5 years ago I have known her for 7 she knew him for 11 and I dated her once for about 4 months we broke up and then we got back together for another 5 so we dated on and off for almost 2 years it was a rollercoaster ride up and down the whole time. In the mean time she had been with dude and about 10 other guys through the 2 years we were together but she wasn't the girl I wanted to marry and my feelings for her were just about sex and a booty call to have. That's all, she must have thought I cared so much but after I found out she had slept with the whole football team I felt so nasty I wanted to throw up. I'm not gonna lie I did have feelings for her and I did care about her I never cheated or hurt her. But she was so stupid her nickname was lucky charms in HS cause she would give all the guys on the team oral before games what can I say she wa a cheer leader that took her cheering over the top another really big turn off was that he wanted to be a stripper and I don't date strippers. I've been to a strip club once and that was cool but I'm not into that. I don't even watch. Sports I don't care about teams and who wins it's a big ass waste of time for me I rather play video games or drive around blasting music or going for a long walk or working out. It's life live it. So dumb girl deleted me and so did dude and I don't care but I find it funny how some people never grow up. I call it the Michael Jackson effect they wanna stay in jr. HS forever and live out thier my so called life dreams. It really pathetic and you guys and girls that stuck on stupid grow the fuck up. These are the same people that go out and buy the iPad and then complain that it doesn't have a camera or wifi they cry so much about eveything. They are not worthy of being emo I mean Emo kids make fun of them. Dumb girl lives the worlds most depressing life and dude can't wait for her return to the sunshine state so he can have sex for the first time in a long time it seems like. I don't have those problems I get it when I need it. Cause I'm not a whore man. Dude doesn't know that dumb girl is on the border line of being a fullblown hooker/callgirl or maybe he does but he's so gross he is probably paying for sex anyway cause even though dude is in a very unsucsessful band he can't get laid if his life depended on it. They were made for each other LessThenEmo Dude with the worlds most whoreish Wiccan girl Aka dumb girl with an eating disorder Aka making fun of them is so easy because if I had a picture of them you would all agree he's shrek and she's the girl from HS most likely to blow shrek you'll see I was most likely the hottest guy she had ever had the privilage of boning lol. I'm not full of shit I just tell the truth this is a true story all of this really happen and it's part of my crazy ass life. By the way since 2005 I have had. Blood tests and been check every six months to make sure I never got anything from that living seamen dumpster. Ewwwwwwwwww is all I have to say and if you are a nasty sweaty fat fuck with bad hair and shitty taste in clothing you can have sex with her and you will know it's her because she talks like a chipmunk looks like a fake tan and has nasty teeth now. Oh and she's Wiccan look for the pentecal that's what it's all about. She even thinks she's some kind of goddess maybe the goddess of fuck who knows goo luck dude oh and do me a favor don't wear a condom and get that gift that keeps on giving I have seen the ladies dude goes out with and they are so nasty looking they all have the same look thier faces in all his pics, like why am I having sex with this sloth. Ok I'm done for now don't you x gf of mine know that I will fucking burn you in my notes I have dirt on all of you and I have all of your pictures you would t want the world to see but I would never release them I'm not that much of an asshole but if anyone starts threatening me I'm leaking all of them if anything happens to me I have them in a place with complete instructions with what needs to be done lol fuck around if you want. I want to hear I'm sorry George for being a cheating ass whore that hurt your feelings and lied to everyone about you. Leave it at that and you can call me anytime and please explain the reason you sleep with nasty people?

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Thursday the 8th 7:09am sleep depravation 6 hours of sleep since Easter

Been thinking about going into buisness for myself starting a small subshop. Only problem is I would have to move out west. I just know that's what i'm destine to do. Work for myself. I have to go to the library in the morning and start on my job app with the parks department. It's from April to September. Save money and probably go to Europe in October I have to check out Amsterdam and Germany. Next year gonnna really do it big. Can't wait to go see my whole family in Greece. Wish I could have gone this summer but work is more important money is very tight so I must work hard to get to my goals nothing should be this hard to do but it is. Nothing comes easy and if it does then it probably will not be
Enjoyed when the goal is reached. That's all for now. I have big plans and greater dreams then you could even imagine I live in a dreamers mindset and I will never let anyone or anything get me down again. My days of listening to negative people are over, what I plan on doing isn't for everyone so I know your opinions may be strong and some of you will try to rationalize what is correct to you, but like I said that's your problem not mine. The time has come for me to do what is best for me. I never learned anything that I could apply to the real world in school unless you went to school to see what the cool kids were wearing and to find out who's mom and dad had the most money.
All that transfers to adults that have small peckers and big wallets with something to prove. What's the use of having a crap ton of cash a gold digger wife spoiled children and a really shitty life cause you just found out your wife is boning the broke dude with more meat in his sandwich ;) she gets the best of both worlds and you get the kids that pissed u off. That's what all came from high school all the way till you got out of college with a degree in being soft! They don't make guys like me anymore.
I'm not ashamed of working hard
For what I want in life. Give me a beat up pick up truck that's ready to die and some power tools to frame a house and I'll show u what they never taught you in a classroom.
It's my turn I'm going to go and get My CDL and get busy.
Don't get me wrong we need people behind a desk to make paper work fly cause I don't want that lazy ass job, I would rather drop dead then sit on a computer all day with my ass hurt from those crappy computer chairs without any support. Do people really need to spend 4 to 8 years in college only to spend the next 10 years paying off what they've borrowed in the first place? So if you do the math your broke as all hell till you hit your late 30's early 40's so let me break it down school then loans and what you end up with is s job that may start you off at 80k a year cut that in half to pay for living and then if you get married sometime within that time line and have kids your making about as much as me hourly. Oh and don't forget taxes and the house payments and children are not cheap, really think about it your probably making no more then at most 18hr and that's awesome pay. Hopefully your wife works so you can at least have food on the table. I have come to the conclusion that our system is set up for false hopes struggle is a word I use lightly because everyone is suffering hard, please whoever reads this don't take this the wrong way but isn't it time we start helping our nation not everyone else? Isn't it about time we give Americans the chance we need to survive? We give 3rd world countries the things we need most and the news Aka the Media only gives a shit about what happens in Haiti and the Tusnami relife efforts but we need help on our own front, the USA is being raped and murdered by the day we are so fuckin blind to what is going on here! We need to get our shit together. Why do we suffer like a 3rd world country in some parts of this country it's like the land time forgot. We need all the help we can get, but wait?! If we started to help ourselves we wouldn't be PC we would be rediculed for it. We are the just like a candy coated m&m hard on the outside soft on the inside. When is our great nation going to wake the fuck up! Grow a pair and help our brothers and sisters here? We have let this great nation of ours fall apart in part due to the pussy asses running the show. This is just pathetic. I'm sick of all the PC bull being shoved down my throat. The USA needs to know when enough is enough. Helping people in need is one thing but to totally turn your back on us is another.
War is not the answer either it's not the end all it's only destroying everything we love. This country is heading towards it's darkest hour and we are blind to it acting like sheep and being controlled. The 2 things that control us are money and war, the money fuels the war and we all fell for it. Only thing we can do is damage control. President Obama has the hardest job on the planet right now.
We must retain Hope and pray for. Change. It's a long hard road out of. HELL,
Ok well goodnight and see you all in a few hours. I can't sleep more then a few hours the sleep depravation is what it's all about. Sharpen the mind like a weapon.

By: George M.Tsatsis

Friday, April 9, 2010

Written on march 24th

Feelings I never mind them. Being true to never rewind them, like old video cassettes they fade and break. My soul can only take what's been given as far as I know I'm still livin. Pieces of me broken lost or stolen never forget what's brought u here, this is where I belong so solong tomorrow is already here I whispered thing's into her ear, while I slept away depression just to go and make myself a living lesson.
lessons learned cigarettes burned my eyes from the smoke and now the smoke's cleared, I saw myself swimming with shark's no fear hoping that the ocean would swallow my sorrows but alas it only brought back tomorrow.

What family means, why I'm down and what makes me feel sad.

Just need another 8 hours os sleep that's all.  Passing out on the couch only to be awoken by yelling really sucks. I can't find peace not even in my room it doesn't matter where I sleep I wake up to yelling cause grandma doesn't listen to anyone anymore no matter how nice we talk or what we say she doesn't listen and fights with us. My mom isn't gonna be alive much longer if nobody helps her and then I'm going to have no mother cause my father is gone and now grandma is killing my mother. Nobody takes care of her like my mom does. It's so sad grandma lived with my mom and dad thier whole lives now my mother who is 100% handicapped has to take care of her, life sucks and I feel bad for my mom I can only help out so much.  We have sacrificed our lives to help grandma out and I guess no one cares the way we do. I hope that my mother gets to see one day of peace and doesn't have the stress she is dealing with now. The sad part is my grandmother had 4 children and since my father passed away and my mother is a widow it must be ok for her brothers and sister to just sit back and live thier lives while my mother dies. I'm not upset or mad cause we are family but family should always support and be there for each other cause in the end what else do we have? It's just not fair to live with grandma 24/7 and have her make my mother suffer I have no idea what mom would do without me to help her carry grandma up and down stairs and I have sacrificed so much of my time out of love for my mother and grandmother. My sister helps out when she can and now that Billy is gone I'm left to watch her when mom needs to go out because it takes grandma about 1 hour to 90 minutes just to get her ready to go food shopping for 30 minutes. I do not spend time with my mom or have a normal relationship with grandma cause she always thinks I'm sombody else. If anyone answers me with why don't you just put her in a home I would say how would you like to be put in a home where no one knows you and you get abused. Those homes are very sad and depressing and for the most part I made a promise to grandma when she still knew who I was, I told her as long as I'm alive you will not  be in a home. I understand grandma is old an has lived her life to the fullest but, I'm not her only grandchild and my mother isn't her only child what happen family? Where is the love now? Why haven't we become closer? It's sad that I have to vent this way if I pissed you off or offended you then, I'm sorry but I'm not guilty of anything I can die knowing I helped and did everything I could in my power to help out. I just feel bad that my mother suffers day in and day out. She doesn't have a life and can't even enjoy a day out with her granddaughter that's sad. I just hope that when or if I ever have children they take care of me like that. Oh and if you are family that does help us thank you and if your family that pretends nothing is wrong shame on you. I know that if grandma was a rich old woman things would have been diffrent, everyone would be probably be fighting to help out. But since she isn't we are fighting just to live and everyday is a struggle and uphill battle for the people in my house. We lost it all and we are still greatful for everything. I guess this what you call venting I have been through so much and I'm not asking for anything in return. I just wonder what happen to our family and why we fell apart? I do not question God cause it's all God's plan, I didn't have to go to church to find out what compassion was and what family means, I didn't have to go to church to love my  God or understand what our purpose in life was and is. To all who wasted thier time asking for forgivness you can stop cause your action speak louder then words. Judgement will come and I will be fine along with everyone who help us through these hard times. I pray that none of you ever have to walk in my shoes or live through the nightmares I've faced. Until then you will never grasp the reality or know the true meaning or lonelyness and depression. I wish I had lots of money cause then I would have been able to help mom out with grandma and make her life easier, my mother should be sainted for her deeds she is my saint. I love you mom and I am here for you no matter what, you know you never have to ask I'm always here to help you. I will do my best to help you in anyway I can. I know it's hard taking care of grandma alone and not having dad to talk to and I know I can't take dads place in the talks you use to have all I can do is help take care of grandma and listen to you when you need to talk. That's what family does and that's why I'm here. I haven't left you because I need you the same way you need me support. Love always your son.

Sunday, March 21, 2010


This is for You, I can't believe you betrayed me. Not only did you lie to me but you stole 3 years of my life. I would have done anything for you and you FUCKED THAT UP! I would like to thank you for teaching me so much though. You will never find another man like me, sorry but I knew you were trash the first time we broke up and I should have never asked you to be mine again. You are an X thats all but a true X is not only a bloodsucker but a friend. It takes a true friend to stab you in the front thank you again.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

The wonderful life we live :::::EDIT:::::: EVERYTHING IN CAPITALS IS MY EDIT Funny How things change...

Thank you Andrea,
you have made me understand so much in these last couple of days. <YOU ARE A LIAR Your not the person people think you are.YOU ARE REALLY WORSE THEN THEY THOUGHT You are NOT A loving, compassionate, PERSON and U R NOT my best friend. In reality the reasons we split are so clear YOU ARE SELFISH AND ONLY CARE ABOUT YOURSELF. I know you had to do what you had to do AND BY THAT I MEAN LISTEN TO EVERYTHING YOUR WANNA BE AUNT THROUGH MARRIAGE TOLD YOU TO DO. NOW I KNOW WHY UNCLE KEVIN DRINKS SO MUCH HE CANT TAKE HER MOUTH, SHE IS FROM THE GUTTER WITH NO RESPECT FOR ANYONE NOT EVEN HER SELF. I HOPE SHE DRINKS HER LIVER TO OBLIVION :) In the end we will be extremely happy with our dessiscions <~~~ mispelled) it's all going to be OK FOR ME NOT SO MUCH FOR YOU CAUSE YOU STILL LIVE IN FLORIDA WITH ALL THE REDNECK TRAILER TRASH WHITE TRASH LOSERS ALL GUYS WANNA DO IS HAVE SEX WITH YOU AND THATS IT. I HOPE YOU STAY CLEAN AND DO NOT GET INVOLVED WITH ANY DRUNKARD GUYS THAT LIKE TO HIT YOU. College FOR ME work, home, family, and that's life and don't ever forget WHAT YOU COULD HAVE HAD WITH ME AND NO ONE IS GOING TO MAKE YOU HAPPY AT ALL BECAUSE YOU CAN NOT MAKE YOURSELF HAPPY AND HAPPINESS IS NOT IN A BOTTLE AS YOUR DIRTY AUNT WILL HAVE YOU BELIEVE. I CAN'T WAIT TO START the traveling I planned on. I DO HAVE Homes in Greece and family THAT WILL LET ME STAY THERE should I choose to be there or not. I are doing MY best NOW THAT I AM away from YOU. I HAVE given up on you and YOUR FAMILY I know I AM BETTER THEN you believe me. I believe in true love I LOOK BACK AND CAN SAY I NEVER LOVED YOU AND THAT FEELS SO GOOD TO SAY I FEEL SO FREE, YOU ARE SO WEAK AND I CANT STAND A WOMAN WHO DOESN'T CLEAN UP AFTER HERSELF. SO NOW knowing when things are right. I don't give up that easy, through all the tears and hurt I felt it was hard to see WHAT A TRUE LOSER YOU REALLY WERE each DAY TOGETHER. Love doesn't die it doesn't go away and it NEVER FORGETS. I knew I would be with you through it all EVERYTHING has changed my heart or feelings for you. I am saying this from my soul you are and always will be my one LESSON THAT I LEARNED THE HARD WAY, THAT LIED TO ME AND MADE ME FEEL LIKE CRAP. YOU ARE JUST ANOTHER GIRL STUCK IN HIGH SCHOOL JUST LIKE YOUR FRIENDS. i FEEL SO MUCH BETTER VENTING ON MY BLOG AND GRATEFUL FOR YOU BEING SO FAR AWAY SO I DONT HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT SEEING YOU OR YOUR STUPID WANNA BE AUNT.